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Double, double, toil & trouble...

Coming to Marion to direct, Macbeth, has been one of the most joyful directing experiences I’ve recently had, even though I’m working on one of Shakespeare’s most violent tragedies. One reason why: witches. This play kicks off with three witches who seemingly set this tragedy in motion with their prophecies about the valiant warrior Macbeth’s ascension to the Scottish throne. As supernatural creatures, these witches make spells, make mischief; they confuse, cajole, and conjure. They are fun, they are wicked.

Our three actors playing the witches, Laila Malak, Hannah Embree, and Tori DeLaney, are also fun and wickedly creative. Together, we created exciting choreography to support all the witches spells, charms, and prophecies; we constructed a human cauldron and apparitions with other cast-mates; and, our costume and props designers, Bradley Robert Jensen and Beks Freeman, built otherworldly garments and staves to support their otherworldly work. The other reason why this process has been so much fun is the wonderful community of artists at Hoosier Shakes. Please come out and enjoy their fine work and excellent play!

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